GE AKD-8 Switchgear at NAS , AKD-8 2000 amp & 800 amp for GE AKRT and AKR circuit breakers
NAS owns tons and tons of switchgear.
SNAS5236-1-2-3 NASII
GE AKD-8 Switchgear
Main Cubicle- GE AKRT-8D-50H
Feeders- GE AKR-8D-30H
The GE AKD-8 Switchgear is available for parts or as a whole piece.
Ground Break Sensor
Catalog# TGM0008
600 amp
Suitable with GE TGMR Relays & GE THSMP Monitors
Are you looking for GE AKRT style circuit breakers? Or GE AKR style circuit breakers? We have them.
NAS has a 7000 square foot reconditioning and retrofitting facility. We can handle almost any amount of circuit breakers.
Call 800-909-3660 for more information
NAS- Family owned and operated
300,000 square feet on 9 acres
No commission sales
2,000,000 loose parts to view similar switchgear.
If you are utilizing companies that provide obsolete equipment than NAS is a must on your next request for quote.
Thank you!!