NAS Circuit Breakers 800-909-3660


3PT3-60-242FFF , Flex-Core 3PT360242FFF Potential Transformer

3PT3-60-242FFF Flex-Core 3PT360242FFF Potential Transformer Primary: 2400 V Ratio: 20:1 Cat#: 3PT3-60-242FFF Thermal: 350VA @ 30 C ACC 0.3WX, 0.6M, 1.2Y 60 Hz. 5.5KV. INS. Class 60KV.BIL 1198267 Each used 3PT3-60-242FFF will be cleaned & inspected prior to shipping. Standard...

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3PT3-60-242FFF , Flex-Core 3PT360242FFF Potential Transformer

3PT3-60-242FFF Flex-Core 3PT360242FFF Potential Transformer Primary: 2400 V Ratio: 20:1 Cat#: 3PT3-60-242FFF Thermal: 350VA @ 30 C ACC 0.3WX, 0.6M, 1.2Y 60 Hz. 5.5KV. INS. Class 60KV.BIL 1198267 Each used 3PT3-60-242FFF will be cleaned & inspected prior to shipping. Standard...

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685X45 , GE 685X45 Type JVM 5 Potential Transformer

685X45 GE 685X45 Type JVM 5 Potential Transformer Ratio: 100:1 Type: JVM5 15H KV 60 Hz. Pri. Volts: 12000 1500 VA AT 30C AMB 1000 VA AT 55C AMB Cat: 685X45 Each used 685X45 will be cleaned and inspected prior...

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685X45 , GE 685X45 Type JVM 5 Potential Transformer

685X45 GE 685X45 Type JVM 5 Potential Transformer Ratio: 100:1 Type: JVM5 15H KV 60 Hz. Pri. Volts: 12000 1500 VA AT 30C AMB 1000 VA AT 55C AMB Cat: 685X45 Each used 685X45 will be cleaned and inspected prior...

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