General Electric Multilin 350-E-P5-G5-H-S-S-N-N-SN-D-N Protection Relay
Contact for Quote: 800-909-3660 |
GE Multilin Feeder Protection System Relay
Cat#: 350-E-P5-G5-H-S-S-N-N-SN-D-N
350 Feeder Protection System
English with Programmable LEDs
5 Amp Phase Current Inputs
5 Amp Ground Current Inputs
Control Power: 110-250vDC, 110-230vAC
Standard Overcurrent Protection: 50P, 50G, 50N. 51P, 51G, 51N
Control: CLP, Lockout (86)
Communications: Standard - Front USB, Rear RS485: Modbus RTU, DNP3.0, IEC60870-5-103
Drawout Design
NO Harsh Environment Coating
Each Multilin 350 Feeder Protection System Relay is Cleaned, Tested with Report, and Carries our One Year Warranty.
Call 800-909-3660 or email with questions.
After hours emergency hotline 216-402-0507 or 216-570-2725
NASPG54512 / NASPG54526 / NASPG54531 / NASPG54551
SNAS6088-2, BLDG 6 / SNAS6089-1, BLDG 6 / SNAS6089-2, BLDG 6 / SNAS6090-1, BLDG 6
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