General Electric 138B2356G-3 Bushing Current Transformer - 10:1
Contact for Quote: 800-909-3660 |
General Electric Bushing Current Transformer
Type BCT
Model BR/BY
Cat#: 138B2356G-3
Ratio: 10:1
Each 138B2356G-3 is Cleaned, Tested with Report, and Carries our One Year Warranty.
Call 800-909-3660 or email with questions.
After hours emergency hotline 216-570-2725
NASPG31575, NASPG31366-1, NASPG31377, NASPG31383, NASPG31366-2
Location: BASKET 350, BLDG 6
NASPG31389, NASPG31395 Location: BASKET 387, BAY E, BLDG 6
NASPG32055 Location: BASKET 221B, BAY E, BLDG 6
NASPG31371 Location: BLDG 6
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