General Electric Multilin MIFIIPA55E10HI00 MIFII Digital Feeder Relay
Contact for Quote: 800-909-3660 |
General Electric Multilin MIF II Digital Feeder Relay
Cat#: MIFIIPA55E10HI00
Three Phase + Ground Relay
ANSI Curves
Phase CT In: 5 Amps (0.5-12 A)
Ground CT: 5 Amps (0.5-12 In)
Configurable I/O/LEDs, Event Recording, Oscillography
Without Recloser
Control Power: 110-250vDC, 110-230vAC
Protocol Standard Model (Modbus RTU)
Without Harsh Environment Conformal Coating
Each Multilin MIF II Digital Feeder Relay is Cleaned, Tested with Report, and Carries our One Year Warranty.
Call 800-909-3660 or email with questions.
After hours emergency hotline 216-570-2725
NASPG54580, NASPG54583 Location: SNAS6093/94, Bay 3A Row 11/12
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